Future Education Workshop

Future Education Workshop

All conference delegates are free to join the Future Education Workshop, please inform us that you would like to join when you register for the conference.

Breakfast and drinks will be supplied by CCUK.

Please come along and share your views.
Goal of the future education workshop:
To gather the views, opinions and issues of stakeholders in the education and skills pathways into careers in the cosmetics industry, especially in cosmetic science.
Stakeholders from across the sector have been invited to give a short presentation on their views on the question.
“What should the future of cosmetic science education look like?”

There will be 5 x 5 min talks.

• What the workforce needs will be in the coming years
• Ana Filippa Calado – Arthur Edward Associates

• What is being designed into educations provision in Universities
• Gabriela Daniels – LCF

• What are the expectations of the education students are receiving
• Rayanne Golding – Future Soc

• Cosmetic science education for in work study
• Bernice Ridley – SCS

• New developments in science and relevance to the cosmetics industry
• Majella Lane – UCL/Editor IJCS

Talks will be followed by a Panel discussion and audience Q&A.

Paul Cornwell, our SCS Chair of the Conference Organising Committee comments: “The Future Education Forum is about bringing together all the people with a stake in cosmetic science training and education, and putting all the issues we have on the table.

These might include misalignments between the needs of employers and what educational courses provide, or the lack training opportunities for all the different learning pathways people have, or the varied quality of educational courses on offer, or the lack of investment in basic cosmetic science research.

The aim of the forum is collect and prioritise these issues and then, at a more in-depth event in the future, to start shaping potential solutions.

Thanks to Cosmetic Cluster UK for organising this important event, and for providing the breakfasts! This event is free to attend, sign-up to attend when you register for the conference”.