Author: stepexsimkinsv.

Student Poster Competition

This year sees an extremely high level of interest and innovation - abstracts are available in the SCS Conference Programme, which can be previewed ahead of the event. • Exploring the Potential of 3D Printing in Cosmetics: Dual-Material 3D Printing for Innovative Skin Patches o Yimeng Jiao, London College of Fashion • Solid Ethylcellulose Oleogels... Read more »

Solid Ethylcellulose Oleogels as a Potential Waterless Alternative in Skincare

Raheema Mulla-Bala1; Diogo Baltazar1 1 – London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London, United Kingdom. Water is a finite resource, whose overconsumption is a significant concern, as half of the world’s population is currently experiencing water scarcity. Therefore, reducing water consumption in the cosmetics industry is vital as the world is heading towards… Read more »

Exploring the Potential of 3D Printing in Cosmetics: Dual-Material 3D Printing for Innovative Skin Patches

Yimeng Jiao1, Milica Stevic1, Slobodanka Tamburic1 1- London College of Fashion, University of the Arts, London 3D printing enables precise layer-by-layer deposition of materials to create three-dimensional objects. While well-recognised in pharmaceutical delivery systems such as wound dressings and tablets, its potential in cosmetics is underexplored. This study examines 3D printing for producing and delivering… Read more »

Skin Science

The Skin Science sessions explore the links between skin health and emotional wellbeing, the development of technologies for exploring skin microbiome, the role of the microbiome in skin health, and the effects of menopause on the skin microbiome and the skin. Lots of stimulating topics to send you on your way home with your minds... Read more »

Product Science & Product Evaluation

The formulation of high quality and innovative cosmetic products is a complex business, and relies on a deep understanding of raw materials, product science and product evaluation. This session covers everything from the sourcing of more green and sustainable ingredients, to formulating better skin care products, to making effective nutricosmetic products.

Hair Care Products & Heat Styling Devices

Hair care products are the second largest sector in the cosmetics industry. In this session we will go from the fascinating discoveries being made in the areas of hair conditioning and hair growth, to the high-tech world of advanced heat styling appliances.

Skin Health

Skin care is the largest sector in the personal care and beauty market. This session focusses on the different ways scientific groups are trying to create break-through innovation for the skin care category and offer wider benefits to society through improved skin health.

Celebrating Cosmetic Science

The UK and Ireland are home to high-quality cosmetic science. This session starts by celebrating the break-through science happening in Unilever hair research, and then asks questions from Innovate UK, Cosmetics Cluster UK and the British Beauty Council on how we can use our strong capabilities in cosmetic science to further drive business growth and... Read more »

Future Education Workshop

Future Education Workshop All conference delegates are free to join the Future Education Workshop, please inform us that you would like to join when you register for the conference. Breakfast and drinks will be supplied by CCUK. Please come along and share your views. Goal of the future education workshop: To gather the views, opinions... Read more »